Moving Out, But Not Away

It is common in Singapore for children to live with their parents until they are married, and some prefer to live nearby even after they have married and moved out. Here’s what you should know if you intend to do the same.

Assistance granted

The HDB has a Proximity Housing Grant (PHG) for different groups of buyers who want to purchase public housing units near their parents or married children. For instance, if you and your spouse want to buy a resale flat near your parents or parents-in-law, you can qualify for a $20,000 grant; the same goes for those who want resale units near their married children.

Other grants you might also be eligible for include the CPF Housing Grant for Family and the Additional CPF Housing Grant.

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Do you qualify? 

If you intend to buy a flat near your parents or married child, you must be a Singapore citizen (your spouse must at least be a permanent resident), and your married child and at least one of your parents must be a Singapore citizen or permanent resident (PR).

You must also be at least 21 years of age, and a first-timer to the PHG.

Family matters 

If you are engaged to be married, you can still apply for a flat near your parents, but you and your fiancé / fiancée must produce your marriage certificate by the date of completion of your purchase. If you are widowed or divorced with children under your legal custody, you can also apply.

The distance between you 

In terms of proximity, you can qualify for a grant if your parents or married child live in an HDB flat within the same town or within 2 km of you. However, you can also apply for a flat even if your parents or married child live in a private residential property, so long as it is in the same town or within 2 km of your residence.


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