8 Sure Ways To Increase Value To Your Home

If you’ve been considering to sell your house at some point the near future, you should start to getting ready as soon as possible. It’s not just about cosmetic enhancements such as makeover the kitchen or loft conversion, you will also need to consider the basic repairs too. Here are 10 sure ways that can increase value to your home;

8 Sure Ways To Increase Value To Your Home Share on X

Update Flooring

Update Carpeting

① Update Flooring/ Carpeting

If there are existing carpets in your house, you should clean all the carpets before put your house into sale. Getting carpets cleaned can make a huge difference to the look as well as smell of a home. However, your carpet design might not be a favor of someone else. Its just depend on your decision making, if you’re unwilling to throw away the carpets, you can just keep it and install in your new house.

On the other hand, if the existing floorboards are appear some wear and tear, make sure you have them re-sanded.

Repaint The Wall

② Repaint The Wall

If you found out some of the wall painting are faded, you should repaint the wall or change the paint color. If your budget allows, get the professionals to do these for you including the ceilings as these can be hard to do by yourself..

If you’re prefer DIY, paint one room at a time. Make sure the day you paint the wall is at sunny day, move the furniture away from the wall and do the first coat in the morning. As the paint needs a few hours between coats, you may do the second layer in the next day.

Revamp The Entrance

③ Revamp The Entrance

The look of entrance is very important, as it is the first impressions count especially if you’re put your house on sale. You can painting the entrance door in a strong color such as blue or red, upgrading the doorway furniture and the entrance mat (if necessary). By doing these, you are sending a message that your home is well maintained and up-to-date before anyone even crosses the threshold. Keep the area around the entrance clean, removing spiderwebs and trimming plants.

Upgrade The Bathroom

④ Upgrade The Bathroom

A new toilet gives the impression of cleanliness and a new sink and taps can also help turn an ordinary or tired bathroom into something more modern.

If you don’t want to change anything in the bathroom, you can just clean it up. Besides, make sure the existing tiles are clean and clear and no any yellow stains on the floor, toilet, sink and mirror.

Update Kitchen

⑤ Update Kitchen

You you install a new cupboard doors and handles update a kitchen in a budget-friendly way. Alternatively, you can just paint the new color on the cupboard doors.

Besides of that, change or clean up the stove is important too. The buyer may not interested in it but it is a best impressions if they see the stove is clean.

Window Treatments

⑥ Window Treatments

Get the glass sparkling and check whether the window’s latches are working perfectly and contact a glazier if any panes are cracked or need replacing. Besides of that,  you may putting up the curtains to adding the looking of a room.

Do note that, window treatments aren’t something that we will change often in the lifetime of the house, so make sure you have buy a good quality and of course you can afford for it.

Change The Light Switches

⑦ Change The Light Switches

If you have live in the house for a long time, say 10 years, the power switches in your house are definitely look old and even have yellow stains on it. If you decide to sell your house, this is a small things that you must do. Getting an electrician to replace them isn’t a costly stuff and you can often pick up everything you need at hardware store.

You can see there are many switches are made in colors or metal switch plates, however, these features are not a point that can increase your home value. You just need to find a simple white clear switch will do.

Upgrade The Taps 3

Upgrade The Taps 2

Upgrade The Taps 4

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⑧ Upgrade The Taps

Whether in bathroom or kitchen, taps are typically can help to increase your house looking. By fitting new,special design or matching taps, you are bringing a focus point to the house. And, don’t forget that the good taps also suggest good plumbing.


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