5 Golden Auction Rules

Buying a home at auction can be very exciting. You might pick one up for less than the maximum price you’ve set yourself. But beware of the pitfalls. Here are the five golden rules to follow before sticking your hand up in the auction room. Shop around first There are literally thousands of properties going … Read more

Melbourne’s Auction Market Leaves A Firm Stamp At The Summer Finale

Melbourne’s robust home auction market has ended summer with a steady result despite a surge in listings – particularly in the inner suburbs Low interest rates have kept the market bubbling along this year so far in what clearly remains a sellers’ market. andrew-wilson These conditions are likely to continue through autumn with confidence reinforced … Read more

Hammering On Auction Properties

Homebuyers and investors who are seeking property purchases from both primary and secondary market may wish to look into properties made available via the property auction channel. Despite the many myths and misconceptions, investing in auction properties presents several advantages that may put knowledgeable investors at the front edge. Unlike sub-sale or buying from the … Read more

Slowing Market And The Auction Potential

It’s not important to know about the slowing property market and do nothing. It’s more important that we learn about some potential ways to take advantage of this situation. Remember, UMNO. Uncertainty Means New Opportunities. After some following up, finally managed to get my good friend to share for our learning. My honour as his … Read more