The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Renting

No money to buy a house? Rent a house then. Believe that you’ll not feeling strange of these sentence. Most of the young people are facing the same problem — can’t afford for a house so they rent a house as their living place. I understand that save money for a house’s down payment is never … Read more

Step by Step Guide for Renting Out A House

You have just purchased and now you want to make money from your investment, congratulations, you have upgrade to be a landlord! But, how do you go about it? You might thinking what you should start with? Sure, renting out a home can make you headache, but there may still be good reasons to stick that “For Rent” … Read more

Selling vs Renting Out Your Property: Which Makes You More Money?

What do you do with a property you own that you’re no longer using? Sell it? Or rent it? Here’s a quick and simple rundown on how to decide. Let’s say your house is already paid for and you’re thinking of moving to a new one. What do you do with the property you’re no … Read more

Retirement Living: Renting Vs. Home Ownership

Where to live is one of the biggest decisions that retirees face. For many people approaching retirement, the decision between keeping the family home, downsizing to a smaller house or condo, or ridding themselves of the stress and expense that can come with home ownership altogether is a difficult one. Here, we’ll provide you with … Read more