Banking Sector’s Loan Growth To Fall To 6%

PETALING JAYA: RAM Ratings projects the banking sector’s loan growth to ease to 6% this year as the economic environment remains challenging and macro-prudential measures to curb household debt continue to exert an impact. However, its co-head of financial institution ratings Sophia Lee expects the overall asset quality indicators of the sector to remain healthy … Read more

Developers Offer Creative Loan Packages To Attract Home Buyers

Developers are offering creative financing packages to attract potential home buyers, given the sluggish property market and the stringent criteria of banks in granting housing loans. “The market was still flat in the first quarter, with some developers delaying their launches. They are trying to move whatever stock that is still available, and we have … Read more

5 Common Housing Loan Mistakes To Avoid

Every day there are people just like you and me made mistakes in their home loan. By acquainting yourself with “5 common housing loan mistakes to avoid” article, you can save thousands on your housing loan. Read on so you can avoid these pitfalls. APPLYING 1 BANK AND THAT’S IT Banks love if you can … Read more

Things You Look For When Applying For A Housing Loan

As the saying goes “There’s no place like Home”. Buying our own home is one of the biggest financial decisions we make during our lifetime. The Majority of people, regardless of whether they buy as an investment or to live in, will finance their home through a housing loan. Without a guidebook, it can be … Read more

How To Refinance Your Personal Loan

Refinancing is a term that is often assumed to be related only to housing loans. But did you know that you can actually refinance a personal loan as well? If you did, then great! If you didn’t, don’t worry – now you’ve learned something new! Regardless, keep scrolling, dear reader, and we’ll break down the … Read more