6 Tips To Invest Property In Thailand

Ok, you have successful in property investment in Malaysia. What now? Well, you may consider to investing property in the neighbor of Malaysia — Thailand. Singapore’s property is very very expensive, so we start with Thailand first.  Thailand is one of the famous place that Malaysian always travelling to, because of this reason, many of … Read more

Property Investment Tips

Property investment is a hot topic in around the world. Everyone would like to getting into this field to create massive wealth then retired early. Whether you are purchase the property for rental returns or appreciation, you sure will get the large profit from either one. Sound attracted? In case you are interested to joining in the property … Read more

Malaysian Property Developers Were Unfazed By Brexit

Property players with developments in Britain were unfazed by Britain’s exit from the European Union. Regardless of the outcome, CIMB Research noted that the uncertainty created during the negotiation may deter foreign investment into the London property market. “Foreign interest may recover afterwards, but the extent of the recovery will depend on the terms agreed,” … Read more

Landed Property In Iskandar Malaysia Is Hot

The property outlook in Iskandar Malaysia remains attractive with good demand for landed residential properties, as the foreign and domestic property buyers prefer landed over high-rise living. According to Stanley Saw, divisional general manager at SP Setia Bhd (Property South), the development and progress taking place in Malaysia’s first economic growth corridor served as the … Read more

Global Trends For Property Markets

The world today from an economic perspective is certainly a very different place from what it was a couple of decades ago. Countries are now intricately tied together politically and economically. As the recent Greece episode has shown, the challenges in one small country can easily develop into a global crisis. While property investors today … Read more

6 Things To Concern Before Buying A Residential Property

Before you purchase a residential property, you should be aware of some matters that could affect that property and the restrictions or liabilities on you after your buy it. Here are 6 of the things that we advice you to watch out for: 1. Urban Living Are you planning to move to a city? High population density areas are attractive due to abundance of entertainment areas … Read more

Stop Rich Foreigners Investors From Buying Property In London

London’s new mayor Sadiq Khan plans to introduce restrictions on foreigners looking to buy property in London, in an effort to combat money-laundering, reported the UK’s Evening Standard. Various news reports in recent years have claimed that many overseas buyers, particularly from Russia and China, have been using London’s housing market to launder billions of … Read more

4 Essential Tips To Boost Your Property Valuation

If you have been thinking about selling your house in the near future, you should boost your property valuation before it comes to selling process. For many homeowners, they are thinking about how to maximize the value of where they live now. Well, if you simply offering the lowest price on the block is not enough … Read more

5 Tips For Property Investment Newbies In Malaysia

Wondering how others can successfully in property investment? In your mindset, you are believe that they must be wealthy enough to start their property investment journey or they must be lucky enough to buy the property in the right time, aren’t you? People, there is no any particular time or age to begin your property investment career. By learning … Read more

Closing A Real Estate Deal In A Down Market

When the housing market slumps, it’s often best to take your home off the market and wait it out – but not everyone has that luxury. Many people are forced to go through with a sale because of a job transfer or a personal liquidity crisis. But even if you’re selling in a very bad … Read more