MTUC Urges Government To Introduce Better Scheme For Home Buyers

PETALING JAYA, 4 October: The Malaysian Trade Union Congress (MTUC) has urged the government to introduce a better scheme to reduce the burden of house buyers in Budget 2017.

Its secretary-general N. Gopal Krishnam said the rakyat are still experiencing difficulties in owning a house.

“As such, MTUC hopes that the federal government will introduce home buyer-friendly incentives in Budget 2017. While we do not deny some incentives have been introduced in Budget 2016, but we are of the view that those steps were not enough,” he said in a statement today.

The increase in the cost of living, Gopal said also complicates the opportunity to purchase a house.

In addition, MTUC also hopes that the government will not allow developers to provide housing loans as recommended by Minister of Urban Wellbeing, Housing, and Local Government Tan Sri Noh Omar recently.

“We know that the market price is not just determined by the demand, to some extent, it is also determined by the real estate agents. This is a real situation. This situation has persisted for quite some time, where buyers at times fall victim to ruthless real estate agents.

“Housing, especially landed property in main towns, is only affordable to those with a five-figure monthly salary or more. Others can only look at and dream of owning one,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Congress of Unions of Employees in the Public Service (Cuepacs) president Datuk Azih Muda called on the government to consider increasing several allowances for civil servants which have not been reviewed for the past 12 years.

Stating that household savings of civil servants in the country is less than 0.7% of their salary, Azih urged the government to review an increase in allowances such as the civil service allowance, regional allowances, regional housing allowance, overnight allowance and overtime allowance.

Additionally, Azih also called on the government to review the loan qualification of civil servants to buy vehicles and to allow a longer lending period to help them save money.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak is scheduled to table Budget 2017 in Parliament on Oct 21.


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