Top 5 Places To Raise Finance For Your Property Investment

Wanted to begin your property investment journey but lack of sources of finance? In fact, there are many ways to kick start your very first property investment even if you don’t have enough money.

There are some rich people out there who are waiting with their cash to invest in someone deals instead of saving their money into the bank account where they’re unlikely to get much return. In fact, money isn’t worth anymore as its loses value every single day, especially after paying all the taxes, they may just break even or make a loss. That is the reason why they’re prefer looking for new opportunities to earn more money.

As we said, some of rich people are only cash rich but lack of time, meaning they don’t have extra free time to find deals. These investors are more prefer the people like you come to them instead of they go find you. You have to find those rich people and negotiate deals with them, so they can offer finance on your deals and share a profit with you.

From now on, you need to start to socializing with these sorts of people, let them know what you do and build a certain relationship with them at the networking events, exchanging each other business cards and follow up with everyone in the next day of event via email.

Even if you have sufficient money to start your property investment journey, but, listen to me, you will eventually run out of money one day if you failed to get support from others. Here are 5 top places where you can raise finance for your property investments.

Angel Investors

➊ Angel Investors

Billionaires and millionaires are like to gather in some places and look for the people with great ideas for a new business where they can invest their money for a share in the company in return. All you just need to do is search for those places that nearby your area.

Those people are usually have their own support team that has expert knowledge in branding, marketing and selling. At first, you must know everything about the business and have a great ideas then can only attract the investors to invest in your company or project. Having a mentor in your business can help you to closer your goals!

You can visit Wealth Mastery Academy to find out the next event that you can meet and connect with the potential investors and entrepreneurs.

Social Media

➋ Social Media

Social media is an amazing platform that gather all the people with similar goals into one group and allow them to share their own thoughts and doubts in the group. In addition, these are a lot of property investment groups on social media that allow everyone to join for free and you can even find deals in the groups.

Here is our advise, before you decide to make any deals, make sure you do your due diligence on the sellers and on the property they are offering to avoid for being cheated or purchase the deals above the market value.

Networking Events or Seminars

➌ Networking Events or Seminars

This is one of the excellent way of raising finance, as you can get the best deals and get the finance from the people you meet at networking events or seminars. Besides of that, this is the main place that you have an opportunity to find a mentor for your own. Instead of hang out with your friends or sitting at home to wait for the opportunity, why don’t give yourself a little time to attend networking events or seminar to building relationship with those potential business partner?

Remember, your “network” is your “net worth” and it’s not who you know but who knows you.

After the events, you can invite the potential business partners for a dinner for further communication or discussion. And not just once, you have to meet multiple times and build a relationship with them before you do any business together.

You can visit Wealth Mastery Academy or WMA Property to find out the next event that you can meet and connect with the potential business partners and investors.

Private Members Club

➍ Private Members Club

There are a lot of variety of private members’ clubs in Malaysia such as yacht clubs, swimming clubs, golf clubs and many more. All you need to do is search online, which places gather the persons that you’re looking for. For example, if you are a fan of motorbike, you should look into a BMW or YMAHA private members’ club. You don’t necessarily need to be one of a member but hand around with them and build relationships that could add benefit to your business in the future.

There are a lot of variety of private members’ clubs to choose from, it all depends on what you are looking for and what is your interests.


➎ Gyms

Many people like to go gyms in order to keep their body fit. The gym is a one of the perfect place to network with people. If you are the member of a gym, you can see the same people every single day or at least 3-4 times a week.

Well, if you meet someone every single day and you make eye contact with them they will remember your face, and eventually you will start talking to each other. You will share benches, weights and equipment together and if they like you, you might even come to the gym with them at the same time and work out together.

Last but not least, there are much more places where rich people like to spend their precious time. A charity ball is a good place to go as people spend a lot of money there bidding and raising funds to help the less fortunate. So, if you have found someone that they’d like to listen to your ideas, keep working hard and build certain relationships with them and with their support and financing, you will be succeed in the near future. Good Luck!


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