10 Awesome Architecture Home Design

Everyone would dream of having a house for your own someday. For example, although the costs is lower than a apartment, but nothing can compares of having your lawn where you can held a barbecue party with your family and friends.

10 Awesome Architecture Home Design Share on X

Today, we’ve share some awesome and unique house idea from all over the world. Enjoy and be inspired with this home ideas and if you’d like this article, please share it to your friends.

1.Green Facade House In Austria

2. Tea House In Shanghai, China

3. Contemporary Sunset Residence In Singapore

4. Small Guest Residence In The Tree

5. Family Residence with 2 Separate Entrances


6. 2-Storey Contemporary Home In Colombia

7. Modern Beach Pool House In Australia 


8. White Single Storey Residence In Teshima, Japan

9. 3 Bedroom Contemporary Residence In Mexico

10. Contemporary House In Lima, Peru



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