5 Ways To Sell Your Home Fast

When the time comes to home selling, its quite headache for many seller. Selling your property isn’t as easy as you think, you will need to check on the current property market and decide the housing price and you will also need to check on whether how many profits you can get while your property is sold out and many others problems and matters are waiting for you to solved.

5 Ways To Sell Your Home Fast Share on X

Besides, its quite difficult should you have no any experiences in home selling. While for the experienced seller, apparently they are mastered in negotiation skill so they can make the selling process goes smooth and quickly. So how you going to do if you are new seller, you have no negotiation skill that as good as the experienced seller. No more worries! Today, we share with you the 5 ways to sell your home fast which come out from an author’s experiences and these ways are usually works even you are new seller;

Post a Video

1. Post a Video Love Letter About Your Home on The Internet

Get your hands on a cheap digital camera and film the entire place. Make a cute short film showing the doorways, alleys, rooms, terrace, lawn, window view and et cetera from the house.

Make it extra special by adding clippings of the neighborhood as well; your favorite bakery, park, or the library in your block that you visit frequently.

Tweak the video and post it up along with important contact info and other credentials on YouTube, your Facebook profile and other social media channels. Interested buyers will be streaming in in no time!

Our thought ⇝ Its quite a good idea for selling your home fast through a video as it can gives the buyers the clearer picture of your house looking. By doing this, you have to make sure that you are using a HD camera as well as check on the light condition while filming your house area. Another tips here, if your home have any beautiful lightning features, you may film its area at night. It can attract the buyers attention to your house.

Light Up The House

Light Up The House 1

2. Light Up The House

After the location, the second thing that leaves a lasting impact on the buyer’s mind is how lighted, airy, and spacious your house is. With your furniture moved out, this shouldn’t be hard to achieve.

Maximize the lighting in your house by taking down the drapers/curtains, rubbing the windows clean, increasing the wattage of your indoor lights, and cutting overgrown bushes/branches outside to let in loads of light. In order to make it get off the market quick, make your house look cheery, bright, and presentable to buyers.

 Our thought ⇝ Before film or take picture of your house, it is important to have sufficient light in your house. It is advisable to film or take picture of your house at noon and if you have any lighting features that you would like to emphasize on, you may film or take picture of your house at night then after combine all into 1 video.

clean up the house

3. De-personalize

It is very important to take the home out of your house before opening it to buyers. Your personal stuff and taste in setting up a home makes it difficult for buyers to fit their furniture and ideas in the house. Hide away any memorabilia or personal keepsakes that might interrupt your buyer’s image of living in the house. Consider hiring a home stager who can help stage your furniture in a manner that amplifies the use of space and portrays the floor plan at its best.

Our thought ⇝ Who are the people in the world like to see the messy house if they plan to buy one? Always remember to clean up the place before film or take picture of your house. Besides, the arrangement of furniture can affect the house perfection too. You may adjust the furniture location and hide those that doesn’t really need.

Be Readily Available to Show

4. Be Readily Available to Show

Don’t expect your house off the market anytime soon if you’re not willing to show your house to every prospect who conveys even the smallest interest in buying. For that, you must keep the house well kept and ‘show-ready’ at all times.

Also, answer the doorbell for a buyer at whatever time they find convenient to check in on the house. It may sound a little inconvenient but it’s more bearable than having to wait months (or worse, years) for your house to get sold.

Our thought ⇝ If you really want to put your house on sale, it is advisable to stay at other places temporarily. Who can make sure that you can keep the house in good looking which same as the pictures or videos? It is the useful ways to keep the house in same conditions as video or pictures. And sometimes, you will need to come back to clean up the dust if there is no any buyers come over to look at your house. In addition, make sure your phone is in good condition while waiting for call from prospect and it is necessarily to return the call that you missed.

Modernize the house

5. Modernize the Place

This could be a costly investment if your house needs a lot of work, but trust me, it’s worth it. Whatever you spend on the house will come back in the form of buyer’s payment and within only a month or two!

In a heaven-like place such as Sarawak, you can make your house a luxury property for sale by adding these few contemporary touches:

  • A backyard deck
  • Gourmet kitchen
  • An inviting balcony
  • Vegetable garden
  • Open up the floor plan by bringing down unnecessary walls

Via propertyguru.com.my

Our thought ⇝ I strongly agreed with this point! If you want to sell your home fast, it is necessarily to sacrifice some of your money on home decorating. Because you can get higher return once the house is sold out successfully and you can also use this point to telling the buyers that your house is different with others.

In conclusion, the above methods can help you to sell your home fast. And I think the most useful way to sell home fast is point number 1 which is post a video. Through a video, the prospect can easily get to know the house condition and its looking. Here is my advise, before shooting film of your house, do make sure your camera is HD, house is clean and tidy, sufficient light in the house, and emphasize the area that can get buyer attention and combine the videos that filmed at noon and at night. Last but no least, try to make the video more interesting and creative. Good Luck!

Here is the example for you.


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