Choose a Color Scheme that is Neutral and Natural Feeling

Have you ever why you feel instantly at home in some spaces and turned off immediately in others? It could be the home’s color scheme or palette that was used. It is no secret that staged homes sell quicker and for better prices than those that are not. One of the best home staging elements is color. Thanks to home decorating shows and websites, home buyers now prefer homes decorated with color. So, how do you make sure your home has the right colors?

Simply stick to these home staging ideas.

Choose a Color Scheme that is Neutral and Natural Feeling Click To Tweet

Choose a Great Color Scheme

Color can change a home in a way no other thing can. It can affect how people feel, enlarge or shrink a space, or raise and lower ceilings. When you understand how color combinations work, you can choose a color scheme that works for your home. Don’t just paint your walls white and expect buyers to come running. White in combination with colorful accent walls would work better. Remember to always focus on creating a warm and welcoming environment – white can often feel too sterile.

Pick color combinations that work well with each other and create harmony between rooms. For instance, the rooms set next to the living room should have similar colors. When choosing a paint finish, avoid those that are too taste-specific as they won’t appeal to many home buyers. Soft greens, blues, yellows and browns are all colors from nature and when combined with neutral colors such as white, gray, bone, can open up your interiors.

Look for Painting Ideas Before you Repaint your Walls

Consider using fabric or wallpaper instead of paint.

Research Painting Ideas to Add Buyer Appeal

Exterior and Interior painting ideas can inspire you to carry out different projects throughout your home. You can learn how to use the best painting techniques for rooms and even furniture. You can also discover how to incorporate texture into a room for added interest. Texture gives walls with a monochromatic color scheme warmth and depth.

Ceilings are mostly ignored by home sellers.

Learn how to avoid this costly mistake. If your home’s ceilings are beautiful and striking, home buyers will remember it long after they leave. Add shine and elegance to your ceilings to make them sparkle. Use a glossy finish to add interest and to differentiate surfaces.

Implement Modern Home Decorating Ideas

Times have changed and what worked for home sellers 20 years ago no longer does. Modern home buyers want homes with lovely interiors and little clutter. They want stainless steel appliances, marble countertops, and kitchen islands. Matching furniture in living rooms is no longer the norm, home buyers desire bold living rooms that are a little out of the ordinary.

Infuse personality into every room with lively hues and unique finds. If you have white sofas, add colorful throw pillows and bright flowers in vases. Make a gorgeous gallery with framed art. Create murals in kids’ rooms to attract home buyers with children. If your goal is to attract modern buyers, you have to give them what they want.

Seek Interior Design Inspiration from the Virtual World

Look to your favorite design blogs and magazines for ideas.

Look to your Favorite Blogs & Magazines for Interior Design Trends

Expert home stagers are usually inspired by the design world. If you want to attract home buyers with your use of color, follow interior design trends. You can use bold colors sparingly to draw attention to focal points, install shiny fixtures to make your home look new, or display artwork throughout.

Casual chic home décor is the in thing.

Modern buyers look for homes with comfortable and convenient fixtures and fittings. Many homes for sale have comfortable and practical interiors.  To create one, use comfy furnishings, striking décor objects, and natural components.

Consider Colors that are Timeless to your Locale

The colors you use throughout your home should depend on your location. Home buyers in large cities do not like bland neutral interiors. They prefer a vibrant style that uses color and eclectic décor. Those who live in rural areas love neutrals and may be put off by bright interiors.

You must also consider your neighbors when choosing exterior paint colors. If your color scheme clashes with your neighbors’, buyers will notice. Pick a scheme that isn’t too noticeable. If it stands out, it should be subtle and unobtrusive. For compatibility, think of the natural features – flowering shrubs, flower gardens, and trees that change hue. If your home is surrounded by many trees, the exterior colors could look darker because of shade.

When you use color effectively, you can create a missing link to a good offer. Be inspired by these home staging ideas and use colors with a lot of appeal. You’ll never regret it.


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