Top 5 Residential Finance Questions of Home Buyers

No matter who you are and where you live, a home is a basic requirement and a necessity for life. Sadly, no necessity is available free of cost. If you want to buy a home, you need a home loan to finance the purchase. Don’t think applying for residential financing is difficult. It can be … Read more

Sarawak Disagree With The Move To Allow Loans By Housing Developer

KUCHING, (Bernama) — Sarawak would not adopt the move by the Ministry of Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local Government to allow private housing developers to give loans to homebuyers. Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Amar Abang Johari Tun Abang Haji Openg said this is because such a move could pose financial risks to the developers as … Read more

Banking Institutions To Continue Giving Home Loans For Eligible Customers

KUALA LUMPUR, (Bernama) — Banking institutions will continue to provide home financing facilities to eligible customers, said the Association of Banks in Malaysia (ABM) and the Association of Islamic Banking Institutions Malaysia (AIBIM). In a joint statement today, the two associations said there are various types of home financing offered by commercial banks and Islamic … Read more

Bank Negara: 35 Years Housing Loan Tenure Sufficient

KUALA LUMPUR: Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) says the maximum housing loan tenure of 35 years is more than sufficient for borrowers to settle their housing loans by their retirement age. It said on Tuesday if the housing loan is offered when the borrower is 25 years old, a financing tenure of 35 years would extend … Read more

Mah Sing Seeks Easier Loan Approval For First-time Home Buyers

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 19 (Bernama) — Mah Sing Group Bhd is urging the government to consider several initiatives including relaxing loan approvals in Budget 2017 for first-time home buyers. Mah Sing Group Managing Director Tan Sri Leong Hoy Kum urged the banks to consider relaxing loan approvals and provide up to 95 per cent financing … Read more

The Government Allow Developers To Be Moneylenders

KUALA LUMPUR: Eligible developers can now apply for moneylenders licences to provide loan facilities of up to 100% to property buyers. The licence will be issued by the Urban Well-being, Housing and Local Government Ministry under the Moneylenders Act 1951 (Amendment) 2011. Its minister Tan Sri Noh Omar said they are allowing developers to provide … Read more

What Are The Property Loans That Applicable In Malaysia

Whether you are homeowner or property investor, you should know more about this topic than we do. While, for the newbies on property purchase (first-time housebuyer), this article will be very helpful as you can understand what type of property loans that exist in Malaysia and you can defined which type of property loan that is suitable … Read more

What Is Top-Up Loan? What It’s The Pros and Cons?

In previous article, we have talk about what is refinance, how its work as well as its process. Let us summary all about this. Refinancing is the act of taking on a new mortgage loan with different terms. The reasons for homeowners and property investors to consider to refinancing their loan are to lower the interest rate, shorten the … Read more

5 Tips To Get Approved For Mortgage Loan

When you comes to buying a house, you have to apply the mortgage loan with the bank. You might heard someone said applying a mortgage loan is the most difficult thing to do as its process is differs from getting a car loan, and those applicants who do not know these major differences are always disappointed  when … Read more

How To Secure The Lowest Rate On Your Home Loan

Finding the perfect home is one thing — finding the best mortgages rates is entirely another. Indeed, the mortgage application process can take a long time, be incredibly tedious and strenuous, and quite frankly, very stressful. Home mortgage lenders will go to great lengths to make sure that you will be able to pay them … Read more