Real Estate Investment Opportunities In ASEAN Look Strong For 2017

SINGAPORE: Southeast Asia remains a bright spot amid a subdued global economic outlook, as ASEAN economies continue to grow at 5% per year compared to a global growth rate of 3.5% per year. According to a statement by real estate consultant JLL, Vietnam is a rising star in terms of real estate investment with strong … Read more

What Makes A Good Real Estate Investment?

Property flipping is when property investors buy houses (usually at auction as they can buy houses at below market price), fix the houses, and then resell them at a good profit. Can you make money by doing this? The answer is yes. Can you make a lot of money by doing this? The answer is … Read more

Global Real Estate Investment

A look into Real Estate Investment from a variety of perspectives. As investors, irrespective of whether we are novices, veterans, or in between, it is always useful to ask, “How can I use real estate to achieve financial freedom in today’s property market?” When I started investing it was a matter of buying as many … Read more