Real Estate Investment Opportunities In ASEAN Look Strong For 2017

SINGAPORE: Southeast Asia remains a bright spot amid a subdued global economic outlook, as ASEAN economies continue to grow at 5% per year compared to a global growth rate of 3.5% per year. According to a statement by real estate consultant JLL, Vietnam is a rising star in terms of real estate investment with strong … Read more

What Makes A Good Real Estate Investment?

Property flipping is when property investors buy houses (usually at auction as they can buy houses at below market price), fix the houses, and then resell them at a good profit. Can you make money by doing this? The answer is yes. Can you make a lot of money by doing this? The answer is … Read more

Why Should You Invest In Property? Here Are 5 Reasons Why.

Although there are many choices for investing, but real estate investment is one of the popular choice for many investors. If you have enough savings and wondering which investment you should be start on, the answer is always real estate investment. Do you want to know why? Here are 5 reasons to tell you why … Read more

3 Ways To Invest In Real Estate For Retirement

Investing in real estate provide plenty of benefits to you, and also can fund your retirement. Most of the baby boomers were work hard in order to save more money to enjoy the rest of their life. But, you may seen some of the baby boomers were smart enough to put their money in property investment in … Read more

Top 4 Real Estate Trends In India In 2016

Real Estate has seen a lot of ups and downs in the last few years. While many have bought their dream house others lost a lot of money into it, probably not able to wait for the right time. Many have made a lot of money too. If 2015 was an improvement over its previous … Read more

What Is The Misconceptions That Newbies Believe

Time and time again, due to the age-old troublemaker known as word-of-mouth communication, these highly common misconceptions regarding real estate investing cause some serious financial heartache. So, even if you aren’t a beginner, I think that you should definitely take a look through this article to avoid having to be tricked by these sneaky misconceptions ever … Read more

3 Major Sacrifices Real Estate Investors Must Be Willing to Make

Real estate investing is never easy — and anyone who says otherwise is not telling you the full truth. There is a huge variety of methods to invest when it comes to real estate; however, the one thing that they have in common is that they all require a lot of sacrifices. If you want to … Read more

Real-Estate Rents Can Fund Your Retirement

Rental properties can provide a steady source of income while you build equity in a property. In addition, the property may appreciate in value, and you may be able to enjoy certain tax advantages along the way. Here’s a look at how the process could work. It Takes Money to Make Money You’ll have to … Read more

4 Monopoly Concepts That Can Help You in Real Estate Investing

Do you still reminisce about those family game nights where you would break out your favorite Monopoly game set and fight with your siblings over which metal play piece you wanted to be? (I always picked the cool car.) Truth be told, the most ironic thing about Monopoly that I can’t seem to get over is … Read more

How To Find A Good Mentor In Real Estate & Business

Many people ask me how I’ve been able to achieve such success without a formal education. Well, my answer is that I always ask a lot of questions of those people who are where I want to be. Mentors are important in each and every industry, and more so in real estate. It is these … Read more