These Are The Things That You Should Consider When Choosing A House To Live With Your Family

There are a bunch of things you will need to concerns about before you buying a new home to settle down your family. You will need to make a hard decision when you have your own kids, and you will need a place with more convenience and less risk to make sure their safety.

Let’s take a look at the common factors that the parents should focus on when choosing a house to live with their family, especially their kids;

House Location

1.House Location

If you are single, you are probably only focus on location, “is this place near to my workplace?”. However, if you’ve had upgraded to be a parent, you have to consider the distance between the house and school, amenities, even babysitter or your parents and siblings.

In addition, you will need to consider that you want to raised up your kids in what type of ethnic culture of the location. Hence, this part is often took a little longer to do the planning and research. Do figure out the cost, time, distance and transportation convenience.

House Price

2. House Price

Whether you buy house to settle down your family or for yourself, price is always then main concern for choosing a house. Besides, the house price is depends on a location or whether it is a newly developed building or a sub-sale property. Do understand that what is your affordability would help you to narrow the options of choosing a house.

In order to minimize your repayment default risks, it is advisable to set only one out of third of your net salary (after taxes and dedections) for monthly loan repayments. Do remember to included all of your other commitments such as credit card, car loan or personal loan. By doing this, you will have a more realistic picture of what you can afford and what you can’t.

House Type

3. House Type

What type of house that you prefer the most? High-rise property or landed property? Will this house can cater all of my family members? Will it packed? This is the most common questions that you should be answered by yourself and do discuss with your spouse about this.

Besides, do focus on eliminating options with constructs that are not suitable for children. Do note that the common house hazards are include staircase, balcony, low ventilation, exposed pipes, and other things that might harm your little ones. Well, you can solve these issues by renovate the house, however, it is only an option if your budget allow you to do so.


4. Kids Education

What is the location you would like to live in? nearby a famous school? the place that easily accessed by highways or other transportation? These are the top priority concerns for the parents. Hence, you may choose the house that close to the education centres, and it would be a great choice for working parents who can’t catch up their kids after school.

Furthermore, having a top-notch schools in the vicinity of new developments may attract more young families to move in. But, this point may not often considered by some parents, but it is a quite interesting way to foster a community that grows together and make their children’s benefits as their priority.

Safety of Environment

5. Safety of Environment

This is also a main concern for parents when they chooosing a house to live in. However, the location comes with gates and guarded communities is tends to be pricier and it might not an option for all family.

In fact, you should no worry so much about if your house outside of guarded space, you can install a security system in your house such as sensors, CCTV and home alarms.


6. Living Lifestyle and Amenities

Imagine that you move in a newly developed township but far away from grocery stores, restaurants, hospital and clinics. Its very inconvenience for you and your family right?

Hence, you should be consider where available and affordable. In close proximity to a parks, playgrounds and shopping centres are healthy setting for family gathering during weekend. In addition, a place equipped with the facilities like swimming pools, jogging, cycling or other activities would make for livelier for your and your family.

Last but not least, choosing a house can be difficult sometimes. But if you choosing a house based on your family members, living style, financials, amenities and etc, you will easily to make the decision of which place is suitable for you and your family.


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