This Tiny Home Can Rotate In A Full Circle

With its rainy weather, homes in Portland, Oregon, tend to not get too much sun.

This Tiny Home Can Rotate In A Full Circle Share on X

But a Portland-based architecture firm figured out a way to change that. PATH Architecture created a tiny home that can rotate in almost a complete circle. That means that its floor-to-ceiling windows can always face the sun.

The 359, as it’s called, is so named because that’s the full number of degrees it can rotate. If it could spin in a full circle, the house’s electrical and water lines would get all tangled.

The 144-square-foot home features a kitchen and bathroom with running water, bedroom, dining room, and front patio. It sits on a stable turning mechanism, which, according to a promotional video, is easy enough to use that two young children can rotate the home.

The standard 359 runs for $90,000, according to Slate, but water and electrical hookups bring the total to $145,000.


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