Do I Really Need A Mortgage Life Insurance?

When you taking up a mortgage loan with the banks, the bank officers will recommend you to take mortgage life insurance to protect yourself. Don’t reject it outright as you have no idea how a mortgage life insurance can help your family and your own house if you passed away in sudden incident or total permanent … Read more

The Differences Between MRTA And MLTA

Buying a home is an extremely high commitment and the homeowner have to take up to 35 years to pay-off the home loan. In such a long period of time of loan tenure, the homeowners must protect their home and family even when they are no longer around. Every homeowners should think about this question before … Read more

Having A Very Low Credit Score? No Fret, Here Are 5 Tips To Help You Out!

No matter you are applying the loan to buy car, buy house or applying a personal loan, you shall not ignore your personal credit score and even underestimate its power as if you having a very low/ bad credit score, your loan application will be rejected for sure or you can’t get the financing that you expected. … Read more

How A Joint Loan Can Affect Your Financial In Future

Nowadays, many people are looking the ways to create wealth through investment and one of the most popular investments is investing in property market as they can earn massive profits from property appreciation over time. If you plan to get involved in property investment field along with your spouse in order to create your retirement funds, travel funds or for your children … Read more

How To Manage Your Monthly Income Although It Is Less

Allow us to assume that your monthly income is about RM 2,000, and you should consider to separate your income into 5 parts which is RM 600, RM 400, RM 300, RM 200 and RM 500 respectively. Let’s start with the part 1 first, what should you do in this part Part 1 @ RM 600: As your … Read more

What Are The Types Of Returns From Property Investments?

What is the faster way to create massive wealth for yourself? Some people will say stock market investment while some say property investment. Well, stock market is the most risky way to earn money for me as you will need to have certain experiences, knowledge, do lot of research about the market, knew some experts and the people … Read more

You Should Be Cautions With Refinancing Loans If Your’re Facing These Problems

Although refinancing is a powerful tool to help homeowners to manage their current financial status, but it may not be suitable for some of them. If you are consider about refinancing, you will need to be cautions with refinancing loans if… Your property have not built up much equity yet ➨ If you refinancing in very early … Read more

What Are The Property Loans That Applicable In Malaysia

Whether you are homeowner or property investor, you should know more about this topic than we do. While, for the newbies on property purchase (first-time housebuyer), this article will be very helpful as you can understand what type of property loans that exist in Malaysia and you can defined which type of property loan that is suitable … Read more

What Is Top-Up Loan? What It’s The Pros and Cons?

In previous article, we have talk about what is refinance, how its work as well as its process. Let us summary all about this. Refinancing is the act of taking on a new mortgage loan with different terms. The reasons for homeowners and property investors to consider to refinancing their loan are to lower the interest rate, shorten the … Read more

Top 4 Reasons Why You Should Refinance Your Home Loan

Refinancing loan is you apply for a new loan to cover your previous loan which can help to reduce the monthly loan repayment. If your facing financial difficulty after 5 years of loan repayments, then this option will be the best to you to reduce your financial burden by getting the lower interest rate on home loan and can also get the cash out … Read more