7 Smart Steps Every New Homeowner Should Take

Turning the key in a lock that no landlord has access to, reading in a hammock in your own backyard and painting your dining room bright red – what could be more exciting than making the leap from renter to first-time homeowner? Getting swept up in all the excitement is a wonderful feeling, but some … Read more

Pros and Cons of a Cash-Out Refinance

If you have a house, chances are that you’ve been told it’s your most valuable asset. And it’s true that your home can have a lot of value. However, the value in your home isn’t usually very liquid. It’s hard to transform the equity you’ve built up into cash. One of the ways that homeowners … Read more

How To Secure The Lowest Rate On Your Home Loan

Finding the perfect home is one thing — finding the best mortgages rates is entirely another. Indeed, the mortgage application process can take a long time, be incredibly tedious and strenuous, and quite frankly, very stressful. Home mortgage lenders will go to great lengths to make sure that you will be able to pay them … Read more

What You Need to Know About Home Loans

Do home loans become a little too much for you to consume because it involves big money? We’ve broken down all the essentials you need! If personal loans are loans you take out for personal use, home loans are loans you take out specifically to buy a house. On the surface it sounds pretty straightforward, … Read more

When Does GST Applies To Individuals Who Own Properties?

IT has always been clear that it is the responsibility of those in business to register for GST and collect the tax, however, recent guidance released by the authorities could bring private individuals, who would not consider that they are in business, into the mix. Under GST, the sale of commercial buildings and land zoned … Read more

MyDeposit First Home Deposit Funding Scheme

Not Enough Deposit To Buy A House? The First Home Deposit Funding Scheme (MyDeposit) has been launched. Announced during Budget 2016 last October, the scheme is aimed at helping the lower-middle income group with a household income of RM10,000 and below. Government has allocated about RM200 million for the MyDeposit Scheme for first time house … Read more

Rich Debt, Poor Debt

What is a Debt? It seems to give a negative impression. Sometimes it even gives some people a chill just hearing this word. The dictionary, both layman and business, defines debt as something which someone gave permission to borrow but with the condition to repay back. From a business dictionary perspective, a debt is usually … Read more

How To Refinance Your Personal Loan

Refinancing is a term that is often assumed to be related only to housing loans. But did you know that you can actually refinance a personal loan as well? If you did, then great! If you didn’t, don’t worry – now you’ve learned something new! Regardless, keep scrolling, dear reader, and we’ll break down the … Read more

House Buyers Must Shop Around For Best Financing Package

KUALA LUMPUR, March 2 (Bernama) — First time house buyers should shop around to find financing which best suits their needs as certain commercial banks do offer special packages for first timers, says Association of Banks in Malaysia (ABM). ABM also suggested that these first timers work with their financiers when assessing the suitability and … Read more

Why You Need Financial Advisors

You might have a different strategy of your own. It doesn’t matter what strategy you use, what’s important is you start acting now to save more for your future. According to financial consultants, you should talk about it. This might mean talking to your friends or your family about your plans for the future, how to save … Read more