Top 5 Residential Finance Questions of Home Buyers

No matter who you are and where you live, a home is a basic requirement and a necessity for life. Sadly, no necessity is available free of cost. If you want to buy a home, you need a home loan to finance the purchase. Don’t think applying for residential financing is difficult. It can be … Read more

How To Secure The Lowest Rate On Your Home Loan

Finding the perfect home is one thing — finding the best mortgages rates is entirely another. Indeed, the mortgage application process can take a long time, be incredibly tedious and strenuous, and quite frankly, very stressful. Home mortgage lenders will go to great lengths to make sure that you will be able to pay them … Read more

The 4 Things Lenders Consider Before Approving Your Home Loan

In a previous article, we’ve talked about the pros and cons of purchasing a property in cash versus applying for a home loan. Home loans work the same way as any other loan does. The lender (the bank, as is often the case) charges an amount of interest and the borrower pays the money back … Read more

Mortgage LTV Ratio & Margin of Finance for Home Loans

In Malaysia, it is normal to expect 90% LTV ratio for a residential mortgage loan (more commonly known as a housing loan). But Bank Negara closely regulates the LTV ratios for residential mortgage loans to prevent uncontrolled speculation. If a person has 2 or more existing residential mortgage loans, LTV is capped at 70% for … Read more