4 Daily Habits can Improve Yourself as a Real Estate Investor

Want to get ahead in real estate? As the age-old quote by Aristotle says, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” To truly succeed in the long haul of entrepreneurship, be sure to adopt these 4 habits crucial for building your business. Learn Constantly Similar to any professional … Read more

What Is The Misconceptions That Newbies Believe

Time and time again, due to the age-old troublemaker known as word-of-mouth communication, these highly common misconceptions regarding real estate investing cause some serious financial heartache. So, even if you aren’t a beginner, I think that you should definitely take a look through this article to avoid having to be tricked by these sneaky misconceptions ever … Read more

3 Major Sacrifices Real Estate Investors Must Be Willing to Make

Real estate investing is never easy — and anyone who says otherwise is not telling you the full truth. There is a huge variety of methods to invest when it comes to real estate; however, the one thing that they have in common is that they all require a lot of sacrifices. If you want to … Read more

Chinese Interest In Phuket Property Picking Up

Property buyers from China could be flocking to Phuket if the CEO of China’s largest international property website is to be believed. Charles Pittar, CEO of Juwai.com, told the Phuket News that he is predicting interest in Phuket property from Chinese buyers to increase substantially. “The past 12 months have seen strong growth in Chinese … Read more

Tasmanian Village On Sale For A$13M

A small scenic village on the island of Tasmania in Australia was recently put up for sale, drawing interest from local and international investors, including Singaporeans, reported Agence France-Presse (AFP). The 145ha Tarraleah village has attracted potential buyers from Australia, China, Hong Kong and Singapore since it was listed on the market late last week, … Read more

The 7 Rules Of Power Negotiation

Negotiating is a part of living; we do it all the time. When you walk down a crowded street you negotiate the path you take. A couple negotiates their relationship before and during marriage. Although you may not realise what’s happening, for example you take out the garbage tonight and I will do the dishes. … Read more

Property Investing Helps Women Secure Their Financial Futures

According to analysis by the Property Council of Australia, 47 per cent of Australian investment properties are owned by women. Their analysis of Australian Tax Office data has found that almost half of all negatively geared investment properties are owned by women wanting to build wealth and offset the superannuation gap. Women also account for … Read more

8 Reasons Why Women Make Better Investors

Do women really make better property investors? There seems to be mounting evidence that this could be the case. Now the expert give her opinion on 8 advantages that women have that make them better investors. HERE’S WHAT SHE SAID: 1. We’re not afraid to say, “I don’t know.” The person who has to know all the … Read more

Foreigners Shying Away From US Property

The US National Association of Realtors (NAR) has stated that demand from foreign buyers is weakening, with the strong US dollar and rising home prices forcing some investors to look at other countries that offer more value, reported The Wall Street Journal recently. Many experts had predicted that foreigners would flood the US property market … Read more

Rich Debt, Poor Debt

What is a Debt? It seems to give a negative impression. Sometimes it even gives some people a chill just hearing this word. The dictionary, both layman and business, defines debt as something which someone gave permission to borrow but with the condition to repay back. From a business dictionary perspective, a debt is usually … Read more