Tips for Finding the Right Location for Your First Home

When you’re looking to buy your first home, it can feel as if there are a lot of things to consider before you purchase. The location of your first home is one of the biggest decisions you need to make when you’re trying to find where to settle down. How do you know what is the right area for you and your family? These four tips will help you nail down the right spot for you to call home.

1. Look close to work and school

The most important aspect you should look at when you’re deciding on where to buy your new home is the proximity to your work and your child’s school. You don’t want to have to spend several hours of your day commuting to and from your job. To avoid falling in love with a house that is outside of these boundaries, you first need to sit down and decide how far you are willing to travel each day. Once you’ve decided the absolute maximum time, commit to the area within the boundaries so you won’t feel stressed in a daily commute.

2. Consider your transportation mode

Tips for Finding the Right Location for Your First Home Share on X

Before you decide which area you’re going to buy in, consider how you’re going to get around. If everyone in the family has a car to use, then being close to freeways may be something you should consider. If you rely on public transportation to get around, then being close to subway or bus routes is what you really need to look at. Likewise, living in an area with the proper biking trails would be best if you like to bike to most places.

3. Choose an area that suites your living style

Is your family active? Do you like to get out often? If so, look towards a neighborhood that is close to restaurants and activities, like golfing or sports arenas or parks. If you have young children who like to play outside, search for local parks and be sure to check the crime rates for the area so you know they’ll always be safe. You can check the crime rates with the local police station or libraries in the neighborhood.

4. New or old neighborhoods?

Are you looking for a new subdivision or an area with historic charm? Canada is plentiful with both, but it’s mainly up to your preference. Older, more established neighborhoods may have more charm and more trees, but be careful when choosing your home, since some older houses can tend to have more problems. New neighborhoods can give you a great opportunity to be the first to live in a house, but be wary of developing neighborhoods. Ask the local zoning office if there are plans for local buildings to go up, so you aren’t stuck in a construction zone after you make your purchase.

If you’re unsure about an area you want to live in, don’t hesitate to reach out to residents or realtors in that neighborhood. Oftentimes, people are more than willing to let you know about the place that they call home. You may find that there is something in the area that you love that you couldn’t have found online or at the library.



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