Why January Is A Great Time To Sell

Preparing and planning to list a home for sale often takes a few months, with a lot of back and forth between the agent and seller. Typically, prospective sellers will start the groundwork at the very start of the year with the intention of selling in the spring. According to AOL Real Estate, selling in the middle of winter could actually get you a better price on your property than waiting for the spring rush. Here are the reasons:

Less Competition – Most buyers tend to wait until spring to start their search, as they want to see their future home in all its glory with a colourful front lawn and blooming garden under the sunshine. Yes, there will be fewer buyers during the winter season, but it also means fewer properties on the market, cutting down the competition for you. Chances are that by the time spring comes there will be a few other properties similar to yours for sale within the same vicinity and price range. Best to avoid this situation if you wish to sell fast. Potential buyers will take into consideration the fact that everything looks better in the sun, but showing them pictures of how it looks in the summer months will reassure them.

Serious Buyers Are Always Looking – Take note that some buyers have been searching for the perfect home for months, or even years by this point. These are the serious buyers and they don’t just come out once a year. They are constantly on the lookout for the perfect place. With an easy access to listings and endless apps designed to help buyers find the right home, searching doesn’t have to be a big deal conformed to a season.

Bonuses & Inheritance – Towards the end of the year people receive bonuses from work or inheritance from family members. Discussions start about whether renting for another year is the best option or whether now is time to try and climb up the property ladder. Previously active searchers discover new enthusiasm to restart their hunt, and this time if they find something they like they are bound to snap it up in a heartbeat.



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